Saturday, April 4, 2009

rookie, yes. of the year, not so much

The Friday before spring break I got some very exciting news, I was voted rookie of the year for my school! My roommate won rookie of the year at his school too, so maybe there's something in the water around here! forward to Thursday...

The morning ws great, but around lunchtime is when the real fun started. One of my little friends was doing the potty dance, so naturally, I suggest that she use the restroom. This results in a full-on, screaming, kicking, cursing tantrum. I thought I had won when she finally went potty, but she got me back later that afternoon. Five minutes before we had to get on the bus and I hear "Ms. Rachel, I peed on the floor." Thanks friend! Sooo... we're changing her clothes and when she hands me the wet panties, it splashes all over me! I clean off as best I can, and tie a oh-so-stylish art smock around my waist to cover my wet pants. (Just watch, that's going to be the new fashion trend on the runways next season.) Now that we're clean, my friends get on the bus and I breathe a sigh of relief, only to turn around and step in a giant mud puddle. I rinse off and head for tutorials. (As an aside... I absolutely LOVE teaching Kindergarten tutorials!) When we're dismissing, Ms. Roberson asks me to take the bus & daycare kiddos along with the walkers, since one of the other teachers was absent. No problem. I drop everyone off and I'm standing with the bus/daycare friends when another teacher asks me which kids these are. I say "oh the daycare and bus Kindergartners", and as soon as he opens his mouth I just know. I had the bus riders in the wrong spot, and by the time we got to the bus ramp half the buses were already gone. Seven phone calls and parent pick-ups later everyone was home safe, but I don't think my cheeks stopped burning for a good two hours.

Maybe they should've voted me Blunder of the Year instead. :)

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