Wednesday, June 10, 2009

why I should never go to the gym again

I'm pretty sure my class ring is lost. I've searched the house up and down (and will probably do it at least two more times), and it's nowhere to be found. I went to the gym yesterday, but forgot to take my jewelry off before I went. Since I was lifting weights, I took the ring off and set it down with my keys. I thought about putting it on the keyring, just in case, but then figured it'd be fine. Wrong. When I picked up my keys to head home, I must've forgotten to pick up the ring and left it there. It's the only thing I can think. Unfortunately, nobody's turned it in to the leasing office, it's not under any machines in the gym or in any lockers (yes, I walked around like a weirdo checking). Maybe that's a sign I should never go back! ;) But really, I do hope someone found it and turns it in... it's special to me.

In other news, we're going camping this weekend and I can't wait! We've been talking about going forever, but never actually made plans. I'm excited to see how Popeye likes being outside like that, and being around the other dog that's coming... :)

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