Tuesday, May 5, 2009

happy week

I'm almost scared to say it because I might jinx it, but this has really been a great week so far! I love surprises almost as much as I love surprising people, and since there has been some of both already, I'm a happy girl!

Since it's teacher appreciation week and we've been doing some fun things at school, and I got some super cute presents from PPCD in my box! It's also nurse's appreciation week, and since my class is so close with the nurse, and this is her last year at our school, I decided to do something fun. So every morning, on my way to the cafeteria, I drop off a present on the bench outside of her office with a note from her "secret pals". Hearing her talk about how happy the surprises make her and how it's the first time anybody has recognized nurse's appreciation in the 5 years she's been at GVE makes me SO glad I decided to do something. I can't wait for the next surprises to come, they're pretty fun. :) (Thanks Kristi, for reminding me that doing something for my general ed teachers would be awesome as well!)

On the topic of teachers, I was chatting with one of the kindergarten teachers this afternoon and asking her when kindergarten graduation was, because I wanted to get the information out early to the parents of my two friends who are graduating too. She looked at me a little crazy... and then said "oh... we've never had PPCD kids graduate with us before.. but um... I guess it'd be ok." Good thing friend, otherwise we would've been having a not so nice chat. So yay, my friends are going to be part of the kindergarten graduation! It's so hard to believe this year is almost over... wow.

On a completely unrelated note, we made homemade salsa last night (a little early for cinco de mayo, I know) , and mmm it was good! I know this post was way random but hey, it's what was on my mind.

1 comment:

Kristin said...

That is great about your Kinder friends! Mine are graduating as well. Yes, I can imagine that talk. Good thing she said the RIGHT thing! It would have been ON if she did not! I have your BACK!