I might be getting a dog today. Which for me would be a very, very impulsive move. I've been wanting a dog for a while, but I keep telling myself that I want to wait until I live in a house with a yard, until I have more time, until I live somewhere that doesn't require a giant pet deposit and charge pet rent. And in all honesty, I've always liked playing with other people's pets, but I've never been one of those super pet-lovers. Until yesterday, when I met Popeye. Brian and I convinced Sean that going to the SPCA would be fun, just to look. And I was totally convinced that all I was going to do was look, I definitely wasn't going to bring anything home. But how can you resist a doggie as cute as this?

I mean really, just look at him! (The picture doesn't even show his true cuteness). Popeye is a terrier mix, he's 8 months old, is white with brown spots, and he only has one eye. Now most people probably wouldn't want a dog with one eye, but I think it makes Popeye even cuter and more special. (It's probably the special education teacher in me, because my other favorite dog at the shelters was the one who only has three legs.) He looked so sad and lonely in the cage, and he was sticking his little nose out to smell my hands... I think I'm in love!
So we're sitting here eating breakfast, and afterward we're going to head over to the SPCA to go visit Popeye and play with him for a little bit. And if he's as fun out of the cage as he is in the cage, I think I'm officially going to become a dog-owner. Sean's laughing, saying he totally called it that I was going to fall in love and take one home, even though I claimed to be "just looking". Brian's totally on board and want's Popeye just as much as I do, so much so he's even willing to pay half of the expenses. It's a huge, crazy decision... but everbody's got to act out of character once and a while. Right?
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