Friday, May 1, 2009


**Long post warning: This post is VERY long. But also funny.**

If you know me at all, you know I'm prone to embarrassing moments. You might even know that prior to today, my most embarrassing moment was when my top fell down during a drill team performance and I exposed myself to a ton of students and parents, my dad caught it on video, and then half the school knew about it the next day. That was of course, until today tied that...

Today was a crazy Friday (as usual) in my classroom! One of my friends was way more off the wall than usual, which in turn had all of my other friends acting super silly too. My aide had to leave unexpectedly because her mom was sick, and we borrowed an aide from next door. So things were wild. We had made our blue jello already (speed set method so we could eat the rainbows today of course), and were sitting down on the carpet to read a story. We had just gotten settled when I looked up to see Cyndi and Christy at my door (my special ed "bosses"). What a nice surprise!

So Cyndi and Christy come in and they've got flowers and a balloon and presents, and I'm thinking "what in the world?....". And they proceed to congratulate me on being rookie of the year and tell me how proud they are. So I'm smiling, and thanking them, all the while thinking to myself "I'm still not sure what's happening"... because I won rookie of the year at my campus before spring break, and my super wonderful PPCD team had already given me a present... Anyways, we chat a little more and they they had to head out to congratulate a middle school rookie of the year. A few minutes later I took one of my friends to the nurse, and when I walked in, she and another teacher said "congratulations, winning district rookie of the year is so awesome!". At this point I was REAL confused. I thought Cyndi and Christy were congratulating me on being campus rookie of the year... and that the district one would probably be announced at the awards banquet later.

But then more people started congratulating me. And then the announcements came on, and our assistant principal proceeded to announce to the whole school that I had won district rookie of the year. So I started thinking "Um... I guess I did win.. but it's super strange that Cyndi and Christy didn't say that explicitly. Weird" I went back to my room, emailed a thank you to the lovely special ed admin folks for the flowers and gifts, then went to lunch.

Well when we got back from lunch Cyndi called and our conversation went something like this:
Cyndi: I hope we didn't get our wires crossed, the things we brought you were to congratulate you on being GVE's rookie of the year.
Me: Oh ok, that's what I thought. But then I got really confused, because people started congratulating me on winning district.
Cyndi: No, they don't announce the district awards until the banquet. But we're totally rooting for you
Me: Oh ok, awesome. I was just so excited to be chosen at GVE. BUT... um... they announced that I won district on the intercom at school...
Cyndi:'m so sorry for the confusion

Then we get off the phone. And all I can think is OH.MY.GOSH.I'M.SO.EMBARRASSED. Because the whole school has been congratulating me on something I didn't even win. And then I'm thinking "how do I fix this?". I ended up emailing the assistant principal, telling her that somehow there was a miscommunication, and asked her if there was a way we could clarify... Which lead to the retraction. On the afternoon announcements, she got on and made a statement to the effect of: we know Ms. Horner is the GVE rookie of the year, and we hope she wins district rookie of the year at the awards ceremony." AWKWARD.

Now I'm just hoping everyone forgets about it by Monday.

Poor Sean had bought me flowers today just because (yet another reason why I love him!), and then when I brought home the flowers from school he felt one upped. I say they're both beautiful. Happy Weekend!

1 comment:

MommyGirl said...

OMG...I don't even know what to say. BUT...I will say, in a couple of weeks they'll be retracting their retraction!

Hee hee. What a great way to start my day!